the process
During our chat, we will:
Check how we feel with talking to each other
Discuss what you would like to work on and if I can help
Check our availability
Discuss pricing and other arrangements
After our chat, I will:
I will email you the copy of our contract with all conditions to review prior to our first session
Going with your gut is important.
If it’s not a good fit, then that’s ok!
First Brief chat
What happens at our first session?
During our first session, we will:
Get to to know each other
Explore what brought you to therapy
Decide on your current therapy goal
Talk about how I am able to help
Ensure you are comfortable and satisfied with the proposed plan
Go through the admin and payment
Help explore your unique reality.
A non-directive form of talk , meaning that it allows you to lead the conversation and explore spoken and unspoken agenda.
Gentle Challenging
Helping you make the unconscious conscious and get a better understating of what is going on on a deeper level
Guided self-discovery
Sometimes if you are too confident of where you are going, you only look ahead and miss detours that can lead you to a better place. Same if you are feeling lost. I will be with you.
Understand the Roots of Your Unwanted Behavior
Your actions are often learned responses and ways of coping with situations. The first step to change is understanding why you behave the way you do.
Support change and help you navigate it
If you are prepared and willing to put in the effort, we can support your journey towards change and help you navigate through it.
Transition Back to Independence
Endings are a natural and important part of the process. They can be both healing and positive, even if they feel a bit sad. The ultimate goal of therapy is for you to be able to thrive on your own.